I Want A Sign, Again.

Oh signs. They are one of Spirit’s best ways of communicating outside of a medium or a dream visit. They are also one of Spirit’s most misunderstood and misused ways of communicating. Spirit will always show up for us, always. So why do we doubt them so much? Why do we assume they will be performing monkeys or on demand entertainment? There are so many things to discuss on this topic, I’ve had a sign filled week so I decided to write about it. I mean, isn’t that a sign in itself? Signs have always been important to me, I started this journey because of a sign. We moved to Arizona because of a sign. Not gonna lie, I make so many huge life decisions because of signs. Now I don’t have some sign super power, my guides and loved ones are just dropping these major, undeniable signs in my lap. So how do I make so many decisions based on signs? Well, I simply decided to stop expecting and start accepting. Let me start by telling you about the signs of this week.

It all started last Saturday, I was sitting on my bed thinking of my mom and my thought was, “I haven’t gotten many signs from Mom lately.” Well let me tell you, she did not care for that thought. In true mom fashion, she sure showed me. We got to the store that day and immediately my husband noticed some things out of place. Not just a little out of place but massively. Like one set of our business cards was turned sideways, like they had been knocked off the stand. However, the cards next to it on an identical stand, were fine. A crystal card was turned askew while the ones surrounding it were not, also this is under glass. One of our incense burners was pushed back while the ones above and below it were in order. These things seem little and you might ask why we noticed them? Well I didn’t, my husband did. Anyone that knows Joey knows he is a bit organized. And that is an understatement! My job is to log, label, and price the inventory, I know not to try to put it out. If I do, I am sure it will be moved anyway. I can’t even get mad either because it always looks better than how I had it. Same at home with groceries, I haven’t put groceries away in 18 years and our cabinets reflect that! Anyway, we were contemplating why the store was in such disarray, and my mom popped in my head. About three days prior we were talking about my mom and how she would always tell Joey to chill out, especially when he stressed the kids toys and things. My mom was always teasing him about it. So I told him, “I bet you it was my mom just being mom.” Now to take it further, I asked mom in my head that if it was her to mess with a specific thing and I would know. Well this is exactly the kind of thing Spirit doesnt want to do. I know this, yet I asked anyway. I told Joey I asked but didnt disclose what item I asked her to change and he said. “to turn a Buddha?” That was not what I thought but he walked out of the office and sure enough there was one Buddha turned on an otherwise perfect display. There is mom, doing exactly what she wants and not giving a single thought to what you asked. Later that week my sister asked my mom for a sign, something to let her know she was there. Later that day I sent her a picture of a crystal and in that crystal was not one but two hearts, my sisters sign from mom. Of all days, and all the crystals, I sent this one. Hello sign. I have a million more stories and even a few more examples from this week but then this blog would never end, so lets get onto how we mess up this whole sign thing.

Use my example, I felt that it was my mom messing in the store, right to my core but what did I do? I asked for more confirmation. Why? Why isn’t the sign she sent enough? I felt happy, laughed, and felt connected, then my human self decided it was time to join the party. We ask for more signs, more confirmation. Something bigger, something better. How absolutely entitled and ungrateful! You might not think of it that way but you should. If you took time out of your day to give someone something you thought out, something that showed them you loved them and they turned around and said, “thanks, but could you make this bigger or better?” How would you feel? Probably pretty annoyed, like who does this entitled ass think they are? Well, remember that when it comes to signs from Spirit! Sometimes we get these little nudges, these little whispers from our loved ones and sometimes it is a big old slap in the face. Our biggest mistake is looking for and expecting the slaps that we miss or dismiss all of the little whispers. Now Spirit will never just leave you or abandon you but they aren’t really inclined to keep performing for you in hopes of you hearing them. They will just send their messages and leave it up to you to accept them. They did what they needed and wanted to do, they have no interest in making sure you believe them or see them. We look for orbs or flashing lights or shooting stars, but what if it is simpler than that?

Ever had a moment when you picked up the phone to call a loved one that has passed? Maybe you go to give your fur baby a treat or a walk and remember they aren't there. How about having the sudden urge to go through your photos, or watch their TV show? Tell a story about them, have a good laugh or maybe a good cry, maybe you drive to their favorite lookout or fishing hole. These are all signs, all moments when Spirit directs you to them. This is them letting you know they are with you and holding you. Reminding you of all you had and did and not just what you lost. I am told over and over by people that they don’t feel their loved ones, they don’t see any signs, the feeling of abandonment is strong. To this I have to ask them to really think about what the problem is here. Do you expect that your loved ones are going to just start driving your ship, taking away any responsibility or accountability you may have? That no matter what decisions you make they will materialize with a thumbs up or down to correct your course? Listen, even if they showed up everyday with bells on, I guarantee you will look for a logical explanation or ask for a bigger bell, maybe both. The best and only way to get your signs is to accept your signs. To some, my story of the store might be all coincidental, maybe there was a breeze from the AC, maybe the vibrations from the bar below us moved things around, maybe we didn’t notice the disarray from customers before we closed the previous night. All plausible explanations. Except I know my husband would never leave with a single thing out of place, and even more importantly, I decided it was my mom. To me it was a sign, it made me think of her and laugh. I felt close to her, and that is the whole point. It is up to us to determine how alive we keep our loved ones, up to us to accept the signs. It is not and never will be Spirits job to prove themselves, I promise you they don’t have a single ounce of need to do so. You get to decide how close you keep them and how much you push away.

So, the next time your loved one weighs heavily in your mind, know they are there. The next time a funny story is told or pictures are shared, know they are there. When you’re driving and a song comes on, a bird flies by, or a number on the clock catches your attention, know they are there. There are no coincidences in this world and that goes with all the little thoughts we have and synchronicities we discover. If you want a sign, then accept the sign. I promise you, they are always there.




Hello 40!