Holiday Reminder: You Are Enough

For a bit I was planning a holiday blog, you know, cookies, presents, family. All the fun stuff that goes into the holidays. Last night something else popped in my head and since I preach and believe in our intuition, here I go with it. I figured this holiday season I will remind you, that you my lovelies, are enough! We are heading head first into a new year, it’ll be here before we know it and this next year belongs to you. What do you want? What do you need? What are you meant to do? Find these answers, hold them tight, and don’t let anyone pull them away from you.
Last night the hubs and I put The Great Outdoors on as we went to bed. This oldie is definitely a goodie and was one of my moms favorite movies. John Candy and Dan Aykroyd, I mean you can’t go wrong. Anyway, the beginning of this movie features a family heading to their vacation, a good old family road trip in their trusty Jeep Grand Wagoneer. What does this matter? Well I’m about to tell you. When I was about 14 or 15 my parents got their first new used car. A car that had A/C, Power anything, and leather seats. This was before they made their money and had their business. All our cars before this were used used and had none of the above mentioned amenities. It was dark blue with the wood panel side, a roof rack, and an electric window that allowed easy access to the back area. If you don’t know what I’m talking about you’re obviously young. Google it. It was everything they worked for. A family car, that we could take camping. Or grocery shopping. Both yielded lots of cargo. My parents were so excited and proud. Us kids were excited. Hello! A/C! After 4+ summers in Arizona without it, there was massive excitement among us all. Then I let someone take it.
A few days later we had a church gathering, of course my parents were excited to show off their car and us kids felt the same. Our parents were proud so we were too. I will never forget the reaction of my “friends” in the church. The teens in the youth group, especially those that were more well off, just scoffed at my families “old dad” car. I went from excited and proud to embarrassed and shameful in seconds. I’m ashamed to say I stayed that way. If I saw friends while in the car I’d hide, or slouch down. How embarrassing to be in this box like wagon suv dad mobile! I remember once, leaving the grocery store, I saw classmates. As a freshman in high school, I of course knew everything and I knew that they would judge me if they saw me. My mom was so aggravated, and offended, probably hurt too. I didn’t understand why. Not then, even though I again, knew everything. Now I look back and think how ungrateful! Of course she was offended! She worked hard for this, she liked it, it served its purpose above and beyond and it was safe and comfortable. Then I came just crapping all over it. Ughhh I was the worst.
My point of this long trip down memory lane is this: how often do we let others snap judgments steal our joy? Rock our confidence? Rob us of our gratefulness? How many ideas, goals, looks, have you had that made you proud? Helped you stand tall? Made you feel joy? How many times did we let someone’s scoff or doubt make us let them go? We walk out confident ready to show off our new ride only to think walking is better because so and so told you this ride isn’t up to their standards. Hello, they aren’t stepping up to drive you! How do we not see that? We so often forget that our vision, our destination is what matters! That wagoneer would have taken us anywhere and done so in comfort, yet because it wasn’t cool enough for the outsiders I decided to change it all. If it wasn’t close enough to walk I guess it wasn’t for me. This happens way too much and in our physical and spiritual life.
I don’t care if you want to be the best barista ever or if you’re a ceo of a billion dollar company. If you want to paint masterpieces or paint by numbers. What is your passion? What makes you glow? What is propelling you to your destination? We will always find people that don’t approve, don’t understand, don’t like the style. When we stand firm in our passion, no one can take our purpose. Those that make you second guess aren’t stepping up to give you a new ride so why are we letting them slow us down? Our path will hardly look like others, but it isn’t supposed to. The only persons comfort that matters is yours. This is your dream, your passion, your story. Tell it, tell it truthfully and unapologetically. I don’t care if your ride is a fast shiny sports car, a sleek modern hybrid, or a wood paneled Jeep Wagoneer. Ride that bitch into the sunset and own every second of it! You are enough! Your dream is perfect, and your path is beautiful. Don’t let anyone or anything make you feel as if you aren’t supposed to take it.
So as we go through the last holiday season of the year, remember that you’re enough. Where you are is where you are meant to be. As you head into this next year, remember this. Buckle up, you’re about to rock it. I’ll see you out there, probably in a Jeep Wagoneer!


New Year? Yes! New You? No Thanks!


Phenomenal Cosmic Powers… Itty Bitty Living Space.